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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Newspaper, Anniversary, and More volcano stuffs!

Here are the events:Click to enlarge

Here's a picture with some things about the anniversary:
I added the Year 1, 2, and 3 caption and the hats! And the words don't make a sentence. There will be cake, It will be in the Coffee Shop(It's one of the oldest rooms*), One day only, and the party will be on the 24th. 10 days after my B-day!!

0o0oh. A scientist, most likely Gary the Gadget Guy! Agent 00989* will get to the bottom of this!

That's all for now!♪☼♫=D
* The Coffee Shop has existed since the says of Penguin Chat 3!
** Agent 00989 is a super awesome secret agent chocolate bunny that has a jet pack and really cool sunglasses! (Me)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

omigoodness! i have all those hats!! i kan haz cookie plz?