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Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends! Doanmanni~Click the Picture to go to

Friday, April 3, 2009

A new group!

HEY PEOPLE! I'm making this group called the Bunny Troops! It already has two members. Here are stuff bunny troops do!
  • There is a Bunny Troops only chat.
  • We make parties
  • Be in special videos
  • Annoy penguins(Optional)
  • Be one of the first for updates!
Here are the requirements!
  • Must have a bunny hat(Chocolate or the egg hunt ones. Don't worry sign ups last until all slots are full)
  • T shirt* or hoodie
  • Can go to the computer at least 3 times in a week.
Here are the optional stuff.
  • Wear bunny slippers or roller skates
  • Have a lollipop or cotton candy wand
Yezz! Two people are already in! And Doanmanni has a reservation** There are only 10 slots! So sign up today!***

That's all for now!♪☼♫=D
*The t-shirt cannot have too mush writing(Music jam and medieval is fine)
**Doanmanni can say if she doesn't want to be in it
***Sign up by Comment or email(But I need to be able to give you the URL for the special chat.)

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