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Saturday, December 6, 2008

Talk with newspaper!

Here is a glitch to talk while reading the news!

  1. Walk to a place where you can see your penguin when you read the news.(exaple Beach)
  2. Click on the newspaper button before you get there.
  3. You are now reading the news without your penguin reading the news. ;-)
  4. Click on the we need you button.
  5. Click on question and click Send without typing anything in the box.Then click Main.
  6. Now click tab until there's a white line in your chat bar and type whatever you want and click Enter on your keyboard.
That's all for now!♫♦=D

P.S I was too lazy to post this a few days ago.

1 comment:

Evilk9187 said...

Hey I love your blog. You are very talented. Will you follow my blog?