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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

New Newspaper!

There's a new newspaper!Here are the events:
  1. Dec.12 New postcards!
  2. Dec.12-22 Rockhopper!and Coins for change!
  3. Dec.12-Jan.9 New play!
  4. Dec.12-Jan.16 New Igloo Catalog!
  5. Dec.19-29 Christmas PARTY!
  6. Dec.19-Jan.1 New pin!
Rockhopper and the Coins for change is near!Start saving up your coins so YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. You will help Kids who are sick, but can't afford medicine,Kids that are too poor to go to school and Kids that don't have parents or are hurt by war!
You can also try the igloo cheat in the newspaper, but it's not working for me right now.

That's all for now!☼♫=D

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