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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

New Mission Sneak peek!And more news.

There is a sneak peek for the new mission!This is what it looks like:
It looks like some jet-pack guy,"G" and Rookie having a meeting on Herbert's next plan on puffles.CÖÖL
Rockhopper is also near!He isn't on the telescope yet,but the Club Penguin team says he is almost here.So keep checking the telescope!
There is also a new comic in the Community section.This is what it looks like:
There is also new Club Penguin Toys!They are the Reindeer and Santa plush.
Click this link to get the toys from Amazon.Only Two left in stock!

That's all for now!♫☼ =D

P.S Those toys are very expensive. it's about $96.99.

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