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Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends! Doanmanni~Click the Picture to go to

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Ninjas,Clothing Catalog Sneak peek and Fireworks!

There's lots of coolness in club penguin!Like ninjas!It's one of the most recent ninja sightings in CP!It's in the Ski Lodge mirror
There is also a ninja sighting in the Gift Shop!It takes a very long time for the ninja to show in the gift shop.
There's also a new Clothing catalog sneak peek!
Cool!Looks like there will be fur shoes,a green sweater and a hat!
There is fireworks in the Ice berg and the ski mountain!Celebrate good times!
That's all for now!☺♫=D

1 comment:

Femin Susan said...

All the posts are breathe taking with the photos. There are stuffs for both laughing and thinking. Meet me at my blog