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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sundays first post!

Heya party people!
My name is SundaySundae or you can just call me Sunday
I am the third author of the Clubpenguin Critic blog and right now im extremly bored so im gonna go eat pie! ( just kidding i dont have pie but i reaaaaaallly wish i did) and sometimes i can just be really random so most of my post will be about random things (not too random, because sommee one, not gonna say who, *cough cough Avatar cough* wont let me) but all of my random things will be related to club penguin ok fiine MOST!

Spades are my best friends!!! jkk


~ my fave color is RED!

Now wheres my fudgy buddy??? he he

I know what your gonna say and the answer is №

One more thing REDUCE, RE-USE, RECYCLE!

-№- _later haterz_ (sorry for the randomness but no really reduce, re-use and recycle!)


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