Link to Cp and special event banner!

Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends! Doanmanni~Click the Picture to go to

Thursday, January 22, 2009


The Winter Fiesta is on! Check out the free stuff in the cove
You can also go on the Nightclub!
That's all for now!♪☼♫=D


Emotional Penguins said...

Hey AVATAR14! Just to let you know that I have changed the server for the Competition. Sorry. The real server to go online is Ice Age. -Not Fjord.


P.S When you had commented on our site, did you like notice a Hamster background on our site?

Avatar14 said...

ok and i didnt see a hamster background

Emotional Penguins said...


See you there :)


P.P.S: Did you see a Title of "Snowy Junior" on our site when you first commented? I'm so so sorry I keep asking you about this because we had some slight problems with our wesbite and weired things are being posted. It seems like someone hacked into our account.