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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Cadence tips!

Here are some tips.
  1. Look in servers with three or four bars.
  2. If you wait for her go to the Nightclub. She takes the stairs.
  3. If there are lots of penguins use the buddies list and click on the button that shows the penguins in that room. There is is big smile on her name.
Here's one tip that might work.
Some cheat sites tell you to keep trying. But for me I give up and find that penguin. That worked for Rockhopper, Gary the gadget guy and Cadence.
Here's the story to how I found her.
I was done checking all Portuguese servers when I remembered to meet a friend on Caribou. So I went to caribou and since my friend wasn't online I went to the roof and danced. Then I got bored and went to the Nightclub. There I saw cadence.
The story can get longer, but that's all the important things!

That's all for now!♪☼♫=D

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