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Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!!And lots Cp cheats. ;-)

Merry Christmas everybody!!
Here are the results for coins for change!
Here is the postcard you get:
Here's the postcard G gives all Agents:
I also have the Club Penguin game!Here's the Elite Penguin Force room:
I also unlocked the AWESOME UPDATED TREASURE BOOK!Here's a pic.
The cover of it looks like the First Volume only it's green.
Here are the events in the newspaper:
  1. Dec.26-Jan.1 Fireworks!
  2. Dec.29 Christmas party ends.=(
  3. Jan.2-15 New pin!
  4. Jan.2-Feb.6 New clothing catalog!!
That's all for now!♪☼♫=D Have a very merry Christmas!

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